Gwa’sala Nakwaxda’Xw School...
I reviewed this school to report on any immediate life safety concerns, any work anticipated to be needed over the next few years, any work that we ...
Northwest Territories Health Centre...
While working at David Nairne + Associates Ltd I drew this schematic for a freestanding extension of a hospital in northern BC adding office and ...
Bella Bella Community School
This complex project included rolling a massive steel beam through the gymnasium doors, cutting holes in the roof to chain the beam to a crane, ...
First Nations Multi-Family Housing
I was, through design and into the first phases of construction, the lead architect on this David Nairne + Associates ten unit housing project in a ...
First Nations Youth Centre
I designed this youth centre while working at David Nairne and Associates. We met with youth and youth workers, visited the old youth centre to ...