Detailing For BC’s Coastal Environment
I’m well versed working in both BC’s coastal environments, and its extremes where air turns to water and is driven into buildings by gale force winds. I’ve worked in construction and understand how to design buildable details. I’ve been successful at finding the failure mechanisms in buildings, designing better details, and helping contractors take apart buildings to put them back together better so they’ll last for years to come.

Building Envelope Consulting
I’ve spent a great deal of time analyzing cladding systems and construction methods, taking buildings apart and looking for failure mechanisms. I studied Advanced Building Technologies at the Masters level. I’ve conducted facilities assessments and reported on envelope conditions and failures for Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments as well as a myriad of private stakeholders.

I have experience working with light frame wood construction, heavy timber, concrete, tilt-up, steel frame, straw bale, intensive and extensive green roofs, membrane roofs, metal roofs, and shingle and shake. I’ve seen and studied a great many building failures. I know how to defend against them. I can help you protect your investment.